Grab Life By The Balls - Caloundra

Grab Life By The Balls – Caloundra – Coffee & Chin Wag

Head down to Kings Beach Bar for a coffee and chin wag with Shane and the crew

Grab Life By The Balls is a registered charity. We are on a mission to make positive changes to men’s health and well-being across Australia. Mateship is a simple, Aussie thing we can all get behind to improve men’s health and well-being.

It would be great if you could register to let us know you are coming along to Grab Life By The Balls – Caloundra, but if not feel free to just turn up on the day and say hello.


We run laid-back social events for Men to connect, hang out and be themselves – there isn’t much structure or formalities to our events – we stand around, mingle, chat have a laugh, and have a good time.

We definitely don’t take ourselves too seriously – we create a vibe that is fun and relaxed some examples of our events: are coffee catch-up, bacon and egg bbq breaky, burger nights


Blokes from all walks of life.



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