Men's Leadership Summit - Cecil's Men's Hub ~ The Virtual Men's Gathering & Worldwide Men's Coach Directory

Men’s Leadership Summit

Welcome to the Men’s Leadership Summit—an event dedicated to empowering and championing the largest minority in Australia:

Men. In a society often focused on various minority groups, the unique challenges and opportunities faced by men can sometimes be overlooked. However, at this summit, we shine a spotlight on men as the largest minority, recognising their diverse experiences, struggles, and contributions.

This Summit is crafted to empower and inspire men and women from diverse backgrounds on their path to leadership.

We will unfold distinct conversations, each thoughtfully curated to address critical facets of Men’s leadership in contemporary Australia.

From exploring faith/culture-driven leadership and navigating the intricacies of politics to nurturing mental health and well-being, making meaningful impacts in human services, mentoring the next generation of leaders, embracing the vital role of fatherhood and understanding the unique challenges men face as the largest minority.

Date: Friday 8th November – 7:30 – 17:00

Location: Royal Randwick Racecourse, Alison Road, Randwick NSW 2031

Men’s Leadership Summit – Panel Topics

Join us at the Men’s Leadership Summit for seven engaging panel discussions, each tackling crucial aspects of men’s leadership in contemporary society

  1. Fatherhood and Leadership: Explore the intersection of fatherhood and leadership roles, discussing how men can effectively balance their father responsibilities with their professional pursuits.
  2. Men’s Leadership in Human Services and Not-for-profits: Delve into the role of men in human services and nonprofit organizations, examining their contributions to community development and social impact.
  3. Politics of Men: Navigating Leadership and Ideals: Navigate the complexities of men’s involvement in politics, analyzing leadership styles, values, and the impact of men’s political ideals on society.
  4. Men of Faith, Family & Culture in Leadership: Examine how faith, family, and cultural backgrounds shape men’s leadership approaches, and discuss strategies for integrating these aspects into effective leadership practices.
  5. Men’s Mental Health and Wellbeing: Address the importance of men’s mental health and wellbeing, exploring stigma, access to resources, and strategies for promoting emotional wellness in male leadership contexts.
  6. Nurturing Young Men to be Leaders: Discuss the critical role of mentorship and guidance in nurturing the next generation of male leaders, and explore strategies for empowering young men to reach their full leadership potential.
  7. Masculinity – Challenging the Narrative: Challenge stereotypes and societal expectations surrounding masculinity, fostering a dialogue on redefining masculinity and creating more inclusive and diverse leadership paradigms.

These panel discussions offer valuable insights, perspectives, and actionable strategies for men and women to excel as leaders in various domains. Join us for enlightening conversations and collaborative efforts to advance men’s leadership in today’s ever-evolving world.

Men's Leadership Summit - Cecil's Men's Hub ~ The Virtual Men's Gathering & Worldwide Men's Coach Directory

Men’s Leadership Summit – Terms and Conditions of Registration and Attendance The Men’s Leadership Institute Australia’s Events:

  • Your Contract for Attendance at the Event

These terms and conditions form an agreement between You and the Men’s Leadership Institute Australia(“We”, “Us”, “Our”).

  • Your Capacity

You enter into this agreement in your capacity, and also for and on behalf of:

(a) any business or organisation which You represent or which employs You; and

(b) any guest or other person(s) for whom You complete registration for the Event, (each of which is a “Relevant Person”) and You warrant that You:

(i) have the express authority of all Relevant Persons to enter into this agreement on its/their behalf;

(ii) have provided a copy of this agreement to all Relevant Persons; and

(iii) have the consent of each Relevant Person (being an individual) to provide his/her personal information to Us.

  • Compliance with venue terms and conditions:

You must at all times comply with the terms and conditions of entry to each venue connected with this event and with any lawful directions given by its authorised personnel.

  • Full payment required:

Full payment, in cleared funds and in Australian dollars, of the registration fee, applicable GST, and all other monies due and payable in connection with Your attendance at this Event must be made in FULL.

5. Your cancellation of Your registration

You may cancel Your conference registration, by notifying Us by email ( If You do not receive an acknowledgement by email within five business days. You will only be entitled to a refund or partial refund as set out below:

(a) For in-person components of the program, if You cannot attend because it is unlawful (eg due to public health orders): If You are unable, or will, with certainty, be unable, to attend this Event for the reason that it is unlawful for You to travel to the venue or would be legally required to submit to quarantine or lock-down, You may notify Us by email and provide particulars of the reason You cannot attend. You may notify Us at any time before the commencement of the Event. If We, acting reasonably, accept the reasons given.

(b) Your cancellation for other reasons: If You wish to cancel Your attendance at the Event for any reasons other than those noted in paragraph (a), You may notify Us by email.

(c) Cancellations:

Cancellations made 45 days or more in advance of the Event date, will receive a 100% refund.

Cancellations made within 30 – 45 days will incur a 75% fee.

Cancellations made within 30 days of the event will incur a 100% fee.

  • Cancellation, postponement and conversion of the Event to a fully virtual Event by Us:

We may cancel or postpone all or components of the Event, or convert it to a fully online/virtual event at any time, for any reason. We will notify You by email if any of the foregoing occurs, and:

(a) Event cancellation: If the Event is cancelled, We will refund all monies paid to date;

(b) Event postponement: If the Event is postponed, You must notify Us by email within seven (7)days of Our notice of postponement, or before the commencement of the Event, whichever is earlier, either that:

(i) You wish to attend the Event as postponed, whereupon We will retain monies paid by You to date and apply them to Your registration for the Event as postponed; or

(ii) You cannot, or do not wish to, attend the Event as postponed, whereupon We will refund all monies paid to date; and if You do not notify Us within the time required by this clause, You will be deemed to have accepted the postponement and paragraph (i) of this clause applies.

  • Your travel and accommodation expenses:

Expenses for and arrangements You may make for travel and accommodation are at Your sole risk and to the extent permitted by law, We are not liable to You for those expenses in any circumstances. We recommend that You consider making accommodation and transport arrangements that permit variation or cancellation with appropriate refunds. We further recommend that You obtain insurance (if available) that will reimburse your accommodation and transport costs in the event of cancellation.

  • The event is subject to change

While We will make reasonable endeavours to stage the Event as advertised, You agree that subject only to clause 6, the following may occur without liability of any kind to You:

(a) changes to the Event dates, the venue or the location of the Event or components of the Event within the venue;

(b) changes to program content, its order or session times;

(c) changes to the speakers and other presenters;

(d) changes to the social program and the venue(s) for dinners and other events.

If any changes occur to the Event as advertised, reasonable endeavours will be made to arrange for reasonable substitutes, subject to availability and the circumstances that made the change(s) necessary or desirable. Notice of substantial and material changes will be placed on this website.

You are responsible for checking for such notifications/alerts before the Event.


08 Nov 2024


07:30 - 17:00

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 07 - 08 Nov 2024
  • Time: 15:30 - 01:00



More Info



Royal Randwick Racecourse
Royal Randwick Racecourse
Alison Road, Randwick NSW 2031
1300 729 668


Men's Leadership Institute Australia
Men's Leadership Institute Australia

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