Reclaiming Anger Training

Reclaiming Anger Training – September 2024

This training will see the beginning of yet another death and rebirth of the Reclaiming Anger Training Program.

After 3 months in Europe and infused with Feelings Practitioner Core Training practices along with walking the Peaceful Warrior Training Path I’ll be returning with fresh energy and new perspectives on what it means to Reclaim your Anger.

Joining me as co-facilitator will be NZ Anger Trainer, Annika Korsten along with support crew, Elyse Hof & Sean O’Faolin. What a team!

This will be the only mixed-gender training in Melbourne for 2024 before we take it to the Northern Rivers in October.

“Reclaiming Anger is one of the most powerful therapeutic processes I have ever been involved in.
I had no idea how much fear I had about expressing my anger and how much energy and clarity ​I was denying myself because of that fear. I feel so alive, it’s incredible.” Kiri Bear :: Facilitator & Consultant (Domestic Violence)

People come to Reclaiming Anger for all kinds of reasons. But everyone comes with some degree of fear.

Is it any wonder?

You have probably grown up surrounded by bad examples of anger.

  • Perhaps you have been hurt by it.
  • Perhaps you have hurt others with it.
  • Perhaps you have hidden it away so deep you can’t find it again when you actually need it.
  • Or perhaps it is rising up so strongly you can’t ignore it any longer.

It’s true, there are lots of irresponsible things people can do with anger. It gets a bad reputation.

Past participants of Reclaiming Anger have come into the workshop calling anger ‘stupid’, ‘abhorrent’, ‘dangerous’, ‘impolite’, ‘selfish’, ‘unjustified’, ‘hurtful’… the list goes on.

It’s understandable if you feel that way.

What else are you supposed to think, when no one around you has consciously practised doing anger well?

Despite all their fear and bad experiences with anger, more than 300 people just like you have found the courage to experience something completely different at Reclaiming Anger.

Book your place here:

More info here:

In regular life, there are almost no spaces to explore anger safely and honestly.

Most ‘anger management training gives you strategies for ‘calming down’ the feeling, but the consequences of managing yourself out of anger can feel like being at war with yourself.

Calming anger down is still holding it in. And it stays there until you do something different.

Reclaiming Anger is the safe space you’ve never had to get real about Anger; to find safe expression for it, and to learn to use it skilfully.

Amazing things can happen when you reclaim your anger.


“I used to fear anger. The workshop provided me with an opportunity to confront my fears in a safe space and experience another side of myself. Utterly profound. Now I see anger as a tool I was using incorrectly; like digging a hole with an upside-down shovel.”

Rob Healy: Film Maker & University Lecturer

​“This work completely shifted my whole view of anger. I now see anger as a real gift – a gift that will help me express the love I feel in a powerful and true way.”

Daniel Banfai: Environmental Scientist

“I felt the fear and anxiety that I constantly live with just vanish quietly away. And in that space I found myself. I saw clearly that being afraid of Anger and rejecting it meant that I also struggled with clarity, making decisions, assertiveness and fearlessly having a voice.”

Anon: Lawyer

“The work that I have done in my Reclaiming Anger workshops has given me clarity where before there was depression & self-harm. I have been able to quit drinking and smoking. I have learned to feel more and I have learned to speak up.”

Lena Denger: Mother

“I never saw anger as a child and never learnt how to have a relationship with it. This has blocked me from being who I am. This workshop helped me connect with my anger and experience it in a safe, positive & healing space. I feel more connected to myself.”

Dominic: Public Servant

“I’ve felt exhausted, burnt out, for years and I now see that change is possible through really channelling ​the flame [of anger] I’ve been turning onto and against myself for so long. Too long.”

Mim Kempsen: Writer, Therapist, Student

“I chanced upon this workshop. I can’t begin to convey how profoundly this has aided my recovery from the aftermath of trauma.”

Kim: Teacher & Parent

“Oh to have been taught this as a child! How different my experience of myself and my feelings would have been.”

Kate Laurie: Counsellor & Psychotherapist

“I found my voice and was able to let go and roar without holding myself back. For the first time ever.”


“I’ll always remember sharing dinner with everyone on Saturday night. The joy and relaxation on people’s faces were not what you normally expect from a bunch of people who’ve spent hours getting angry. The connection with the other participants was amazing.”

Michael: Business Development Manager

THE DETAILS – TRAINING HOURS for Reclaiming Anger Training – September 2024:

Friday Night * 13th, 7-10pm

Saturday 14th 9:30 am – 9 pm approximately

Sunday 15th 9:30 am – 4 pm

Integration Evening Wednesday 18th 7-10 pm

*You must attend Friday night as a pre-requisite to continuing into the weekend.


We invite you to keep your weekend free of other events and where possible keep your Monday as spacious as possible.

Your voice may also be a little raspy so best not to plan speeches for a couple of days after the training! Further preparation and what to bring info will be sent to registrants closer to the event.

Cost: $785

This is the price. There are no fixed concessions.

If you are a clear YES to this training NOW and finances are the only barrier contact Stacia via sharing a little about your circumstances and she’ll get in touch to discuss possibilities.



Stacia Karina Beazley

Stacia is a co-founder of The Art of Relating and Reclaiming Anger Training Program and is a leading expert in transformational Anger work and Feelings-informed practice in Australia.

or this September Training Stacia will be joined by co-facilitators, Wayne Starkey & Annika Korsten along with 2 support crew to create a solid and supportive container.

More information at:


13 - 15 Sep 2024


19:00 - 16:00

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 13 - 15 Sep 2024
  • Time: 05:00 - 02:00



More Info



Second Story Studios
Second Story Studios
222 Johnston St Collingwood VIC 3066


The Art of Relating
The Art of Relating
+61 407 412 691

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